Daily Mail: Louise, The Downturn Diva - A New Rival To Robert Peston

14 Aug 2011

Today's Mail on Sunday hailed financial expert and one of Glenn's former trainees, Louise Cooper, as "the new face of the global economic downturn" after appearing as a pundit on television and radio stations all over the world in recent weeks.

Louise - "the voice of the City" for leading global financial brokerage, BGC Partners - has been making waves with her no-nonsense approach to some of the biggest issues of the day and become a favourite with viewers and listeners.

We've helped Louise with presentation skills training for TV in the past and we're delighted to see her continued success. The article from the Mail on Sunday is reproduced below.

As shares fall her stock rises: Louise, the downturn diva... a new rival to Robert Peston

Mail on Sunday

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By Mail on Sunday reporter

Robert Peston had better watch out - there's a new girl in town. Louise Cooper, a glamorous financial expert, has suddenly become the new face of the global economic downturn after appearing as a pundit on television and radio stations all over the world in recent weeks.

Her enthusiastic delivery, pithy soundbites, and no-nonsense approach to some of the big issues of the day have quickly established her as a favourite with viewers and listeners.

The 41-year-old mum-of-two and former BBC reporter was first noticed in July when she appeared on screen to talk about the prospects for Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB satellite channel during the height of the News International phone-hacking row.

Since then, she has notched up an impressive string of appearances on Radio 4’s Today programme, BBC News – which has Mr Peston as its high-profile business editor – ITN, Al Jazeera, Russia Today and France 24.

Louise says she had no idea how many appearances she had made but added that last Friday was ‘particularly frantic’.

She said: ‘I only joined my employers [City brokers BGC Partners] in June and I didn’t expect things to go this mad.

‘It has just been absolutely crazy with the markets being the way they are. My mum is more delighted than me because she had a message from a relative in New Zealand who saw me on the box over there.

‘I love being on air. I used to work for the BBC World Service but that’s different because when you work for the BBC you are not supposed to have opinions – unless you’re Robert Peston!

‘But now I am allowed to say what I think and I love having opinions. I also love financial markets – I find them fascinating.’

Radio and TV producers have been impressed by Louise’s ability to communicate a complex business story in an accessible manner. Indeed, she has become so high-profile she was asked to review the papers on last Sunday’s edition of Broadcasting House on Radio 4. On that occasion she lost no time in criticising Gordon Brown for what she claimed was his contribution to the ongoing financial crisis.

Louise’s popularity is great news for her employers – many of her items are broadcast from BGC Partners’ offices in London.

Louise is married to Cliff Jones, a cameraman with the Bloomberg financial television channel. The pair met when she worked for the Money Channel in 2000.

See the full article here ⇒


© Mail on Sunday, 2011