Pozitiv at heart of US Presidential Elections

04 Nov 2004

Pozitiv Account Executive, David Kingsmill-Moore took a 6-week break to work in the Press Office of Senator James Talent on Washington's Capitol Hill during the recent Presidential Elections.

Senator Talent is a prominent member of the Republican-led Senate and has a strong interest in Healthcare issues.

David Kinsgmill-Moore, Pozitiv Account Manager

David - supported by Pozitiv, led by Glenn Kinsey - worked as a communications advisor and was closely involved in media handling both in Washington D.C. and in Senator Talent's home state of Missouri during the Senate and Presidential Elections.

In tandem with his press office responsibilities he worked with Repbulican Party offices in the House of Representatives to ensure the smooth passage of legislative clauses intrinsic to Senator Talent's agenda.

During his stay, David built up a strong network of contacts both in the Senate and the House and maintains regular contact with his former colleagues.