Sunita's TV Presenting Success

28 Feb 2002

We received a particularly lovely email today from one of Glenn's clients, Sunita Shroff updating us on her progress to date.

She's just finished filming, "A House In The Country" for ITV's Carlton. She's kindly allowed us to reprint her email here, so over to Sunita:

"Just a quick note to thank you for all your help, advice and support over the past few years!

Who would have thought that a one-day presenters training course would have such a dramatic effect on my career and life - certainly not me! I knew that I was not happy in Property and that I wanted to move into TV but before going on your course it always seemed to be such an unattainable dream.

Since attending on that great day my life has changed drastically, although I didn't actually put the wheels into motion for a while, I had my Pozitiv showreel and it was really just a matter of finding the right opportunity!

Well it came along in the form of "Channel East", I sent them my showreel and they were so impressed that they called me in for an audition and the rest is history. After that the BBC were willing to see me and I consequently was shortlisted for "The Holiday Programme" (didn't get it...but hey!)

If you recall, I then 'phoned you up totally despondent and as always you were bubbly and positive and full of encouragement. You also advised me on my agent dilemna. After that call, I 'phoned Laura Hill at ICM and went onto their books. The best decision I have made and they sent my good old showreel to Carlton and I got the job! It's a programme called "House In The Country" and will be aired as of April.

It really is a tough industry and can be quite lonely but luckily you have always given constant support and guidance which I want to thank you for.

I now love my career and it looks like it's going from strength to strength, but this all may not have happened had I not plucked up the courage and attended on that day! I just wished I had known about you sooner! So you see, it wasn't just a one-day course, ha ha you've got me for good!"

Many congratulations to Sunita - who attended Glenn's One-Day Television Presenters Course several years ago - from everyone on the team!